Circos > News

For other references to Circos usage and items of note, see examples of published images and Circos citations.


11 February 2014

Circos appears on the cover of Feb 2014 issue of Placenta Journal.

Saben J, Zhong Y, McKelvey S et al. 2014 A comprehensive analysis of the human placenta transcriptome Placenta 35:125-131.

Circos - Circular Genome Data Visualization (530 x 300)
22 November 2013

The Fall 2013 issue of UCSF Magazine has my Circos illustration of personalized medicine. The human outline motif is incorporated into other design elements in the issue.

The look of the image is inspired after Nature's Encode cover by Carl De Torres.

To learn how to generate the cover and variants, read the Circos Encode Cover Tutorial.

Circos image and design in Fall 2013 issue of UCSF magazine (702 x 813)
Circos image and design in Fall 2013 issue of UCSF magazine
31 October 2013

Circos reaches a milestone - 500 citations in peer-reviewed literature. To celebrate, I've made a commemorative poster that features over 400 Circos images from the literature.

citation list | image gallery | press highlights

Circos poster - 500 citations (400 x 517)
Circos reaches 500 citations in scientific literature.
30 October 2013

Boo! Circos appears on the cover of the Genome Informatics 2013 conference. The image is taken from Genome of the long-living sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) by Ming et al..

I had the opportunity to design the cover for the conference a few years back. The Genome Informatics 2010 cover showed a unique depiction of gene sequences mentioned in the abstract book.

Circos poster - 500 citations (300 x 474)
Circos on the cover of Genome Informatics 2013 program cover.
8 March 2013

In their 2012-2013 Global Market Forecast, Airbus uses a figure created by the Circos table viewer to visualize global migration patterns.

The image was originally generated by the UN Population division.

Region definition according to United Nations; Asia including Oceania, countries of the Middle East and countries of CIS, Europe including Russia. Source: United Nations Population division, International Migrant Stock

Circos in Airbus 2012-2013 Global Market Forecast. (600 x 415)
8 March 2013

Circos appears on the cover of February 2013 issue of Genome Biology and Evolution. The image is taken from the paper

1Ahmed I, Biggs PJ, Matthews PJ et al. 2012 Mutational dynamics of aroid chloroplast genomes Genome Biol Evol 4:1316-1323.
Circos on the cover of Genome Biology and Evolution. (268 x 347)
1 January 2013

Circos appears on the cover of Jan 2013 issue of Biotechnology Focus in an article about epigenetics.

Circos - Circular Genome Data Visualization (317 x 428)
1 January 2013

Circos appears on the cover of Nature Review's 2013 Cancer Calendar in the form of a figure taken from

Shih AH, Abdel-Wahab O, Patel JP et al. 2012 The role of mutations in epigenetic regulators in myeloid malignancies Nat Rev Cancer 12:599-612.

Nature Reviews recognizes the importance of clear and informative figures:

"Indeed, given the adage that 'a picture paints a thousand words', good figures can encapsulate entire fields of cancer research without the need for extensive explanations."

Circos - Circular Genome Data Visualization (400 x 357)
1 October 2012

Circos-based illustration designed for the cover of Trends in Genetics human genetics special issue (Trends in Genetics October 2012, 28 (10)).

Read about how it was made.

Circos - Circular Genome Data Visualization (400 x 523)
3 May 2012

Scientific terminology. Longer, harder and more arcane. A Circos illustration accompanies the New York Times article ‘Ome,’ the Sound of the Scientific Universe Expanding.

The age of 'omes' is here. It began with the genome, continued with the proteome, branched out with the memome and reached full flowering with the notion of the omome.

This probably sounds like raw material for nonsense poetry, but it’s a real biological and linguistic trend that makes sense, once you get the idea of just what an 'ome' is.

Circos - Circular Genome Data Visualization (400 x 367)
11 February 2010

Circos appears on the cover of Feb 11 2013 edition of Cancer Cell.

Yang D, Sun Y, Hu L et al. 2013 Integrated analyses identify a master microRNA regulatory network for the mesenchymal subtype in serous ovarian cancer Cancer cell 23:186-199

Circos - Circular Genome Data Visualization (400 x 523)