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> cd tools/binlinks # bin a link file by size of links on originating chromosome > bin/binlinks -links data/segdup.links.txt > data/histogram.txt # bin a link file by size of links on target chromosome > bin/binlinks -links data/segdup.links.txt -link_end 1 > data/histogram.txt # bin a link file by number of links on originating chromosomes > bin/binlinks -num -links data/segdup.links.txt > data/histogram.txt # color bin values by target chromosome > bin/binlinks -num -links data/segdup.links.txt -output_style 1 > data/histogram.txt # create stacked histogram data > bin/binlinks -num -links data/segdup.links.txt -output_style 3 > data/histogram.txt
Any values in the configuration file etc/binlinks.conf are overwritten with command-line parameters of the same name.
For the purpose of this script that the first line of a link line pair is refered to as the originating position and the second line as the target position. Thus the link given by the lines
segdup04822 hs2 131691333 131718278 segdup04822 hs18 14507744 14534120
has hs2 as the originating chromosome (or start of link) and hs18 as the target chromosome (or end of link). For your application, the links may be bidirectional (such as the segmental duplication used in this example), but the asymmetry of the start/end position is inherent from the format of the link data file.
The default values in the etc/binlinks.conf file make binlinks count the total size of links on the originating chromosomes.
> bin/binlinks ... hs14 18000000 18999999 1739544.0000 hs14 19000000 19999999 816821.0000 hs14 20000000 20999999 69080.0000 ...
For example, the links that originate in the bin hs14:14:18-19Mb add up to 1.739Mb. It's important to realize that this sum is the sum of the start of the links (each link is composed of two spans - a start span on the originating chromosome and an end span on the target chromosome).
You can use -link_end to tabulate the total size of the end spans for a bin.
> bin/binlinks -link_end 1 ... hs14 18000000 18999999 2256283.0000 hs14 19000000 19999999 807211.0000 hs14 20000000 20999999 78425.0000 ...
In this case, the links that originate in the bin hs14:18-19Mb have end spans that total 2.256Mb.
You can add both the start and end spans of the links in a bin using -link_end 2.
> bin/binlinks -link_end 2 ... hs14 18000000 18999999 3995827.0000 hs14 19000000 19999999 1624032.0000 hs14 20000000 20999999 147505.0000 ...
Instead of the link span size, you can add up the number of links in a bin using -num. In this case, each bin that overlaps with the link start and end span will receive a +1 contribution from the link.
Use -log to logarithmically scale the bin values.
Use -color_by_chr to add a color to each bin based on the consensus target chromosome (the chromosome receiving the largest contribution from the bin).
> bin/binlinks -color_by_chr ... hs14 18000000 18999999 1739544.0000 fill_color=hs22 hs14 19000000 19999999 816821.0000 fill_color=hs22 hs14 20000000 20999999 69080.0000 fill_color=hs14 ...
Typically you will have a large number of links that originate from each bin. Whereas default output style (-output_style 0) reports the total statistics for a bin, as described above, if you want to obtain statistics based on individual chromosomes, use the other output styles described below.
For each bin, statistics for the consensus target chromosome (the chromosome with the largest contribution of links from the bin) is obtained with -output_style 1. The output is also annotated with the color of the consensus chromosome.
> bin/binlinks -output_style 1 ... hs14 18000000 18999999 688034.0000 fill_color=hs22 hs14 19000000 19999999 264389.0000 fill_color=hs22 hs14 20000000 20999999 65213.0000 fill_color=hs14 ...
Note the difference between this output and the corresponding output using -output_style 0. In the present case, the largest fraction of links from hs14:18-19Mb terminate on hs22 and total 688kb.
Whereas -output_style 1 shows you the statistic for all links in the bin and the color of the consensus target chromosome, -output_style 2 gives a value for the bin for each target chromosome.
> bin/binlinks -output_style 2 hs14 18000000 18999999 688034.0000 fill_color=hs22 hs14 18000000 18999999 303434.0000 fill_color=hs14 hs14 18000000 18999999 257791.0000 fill_color=hs18 hs14 18000000 18999999 235624.0000 fill_color=hs15 hs14 18000000 18999999 218463.0000 fill_color=hs21 hs14 18000000 18999999 18850.0000 fill_color=hs17 hs14 18000000 18999999 17348.0000 fill_color=hs16 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hsx hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hsy hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs1 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs2 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs3 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs4 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs5 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs6 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs7 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs8 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs9 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs10 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs11 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs12 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs13 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs19 hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs20
The advantage of -output_style 2 is that it can be filtered for a chromosome of interest to determine its contribution to the links.
> bin/binlinks -output_style 2 | grep =hs22 ... hs14 18000000 18999999 688034.0000 fill_color=hs22 hs14 19000000 19999999 264389.0000 fill_color=hs22 hs14 20000000 20999999 0.0000 fill_color=hs22 ...
Finally, -output_style 3 generates track data for stacked histograms.
> bin/binlinks -output_style 3 fill_color=hsx,hsy,hs1,hs2,hs3,hs4,hs5,hs6,hs7,hs8,hs9,hs10,hs11,hs12,hs13,hs14,hs15,hs16,hs17,hs18,hs19,hs20,hs21,hs22 ... hs14 18000000 18999999 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,303434.0000,235624.0000, 17348.0000,18850.0000,257791.0000,0.0000,0.0000, 218463.0000,688034.0000 ...
The data is written to STDOUT and the color list to STDERR, so you should redirect them appropriately.
# redirect histogram values to a file and send STDERR to terminal - cut and paste # the color values into the histogramblock > bin/binlinks -output_style 3 > data.txt
The colors will be named after the target chromosomes. I typically use hsNNN for human chromosomes (to distinguish them from chromosomes of other species such as mouse (mmNNN), rat (rnNNN), and so on). However, chromosome colors are encoded with names chr1, chr2, chr3, and so on. You'll need to either change (or add) color definitions in etc/colors.conf in the Circos distribution or rename the colors from CHRPREFIXNNN to chrNNN.