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5 — Tick Marks, Grids and Labels

8. Ticks at Specific Positions

Up to now, each tick block defined a tick series, with the positions of ticks in a series defined by the spacing (absolute or relative). In this tutorial, you'll see how to define ticks at specific positions.

Ticks at specific absolute positions

To define a tick at a given absolute position, use position instead of spacing.



# define position 
position     = 25u
# no spacing definition necessary

# define multiple positions
position     = 30u,32u,34u,40u



Do not define spacing when position is used.

Ticks at specific relative positions

To place at specific relative positions, use rposition and set spacing_type=relative.

# define multiple positions
rposition      = 0.5,0.7,0.9
spacing_type   = relative
color          = blue
label_relative = yes
format         = %.2f

Note the difference between position (for absolute positions) and rposition (for relative positions).

Do not define rspacing when rposition is used.

Ticks at start and end of ideogram

Two special positions are defined. These are start and end. Using these strings you can place a tick at the start or end of the ideogram. This tick can have a label. In addition, you can define the label to be any string by using the label parameter. This parameter is supported for all ticks, but is particularly useful for start/end ideogram ticks.

position = start
label    = 3'

position = end
label    = 5'