Use the latest version of Circos and read Circos best practices—these list recent important changes and identify sources of common problems.

If you are having trouble, post your issue to the Circos Google Group and include all files and detailed error logs. Please do not email me directly unless it is urgent—you are much more likely to receive a timely reply from the group.

Don't know what question to ask? Read Points of View: Visualizing Biological Data by Bang Wong, myself and invited authors from the Points of View series.

9 — Recipes

1. Microbial Genome
2. Link Geometry - Detailed Bezier Control
3. Labeling Karyotype Bands
4. Image Maps
5. Image Transparency and Background
6. Complex Histograms
7. Variable Radius Link Ends
8. Stacked Histograms
9. Transparent Links
10. ID Fields
11. Heat Map Links
12. Inverted Links
13. Copy Number Data
14. Directed Links
15. Pattern Fills
16. Automating Tracks
17. Automating Heatmaps
18. Circular Stacked Bar Plots
19. Cortical Maps—Connectograms
20. Cell Cycle—Part 1
21. Cell Cycle—Part 2
22. Nature Cover Encode Diagram
23. Naming Names