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2 — Quick Start

5. Histograms

In addition to links, which associate two genomic positions, Circos supports several data tracks, which associate a position with a value.

These tracks include line plots, scatter plots, histograms and heat maps. The text track is a special kind of data track, which associates a position with a text label.

data format

The line plot, scatter plot, heat map and histogram share the same data format.

#chr start end value [options]
hs3 196000000 197999999 71.0000
hs3 198000000 199999999 57.0000
hs4 0 1999999 28.0000
hs4 2000000 3999999 40.0000
hs4 4000000 5999999 59.0000

The options field can associate a parameter with a data point, such as a color or identifier. Format parameters are used to override how the data point is displayed (e.g. instead of using rules)

hs3 196000000 197999999 71.0000 fill_color=blue

User parameters, such as id can be used in conjunction with rules to select and modify the data point.

# in data file
hs3 196000000 197999999 71.0000 id=abc

# in rule block
condition  = var(id) eq "abc"
fill_color = blue

plot blocks

Each histogram is defined in a <plot> block within an enclosing <plots> block.


type = histogram

type = histogram



This tutorial defines two histograms: a regular histogram and a stacked histogram.

In addition to the type and file parameters, you need to define the inner and outer radius of the track using r0 and r1. Usually these values are relative — in case the radial position of the ideogram changes, the track will be automatically moved.

type = histogram
file = data/5/segdup.hs1234.hist.txt
r1   = 0.88r
r0   = 0.81r

joining bins

A histogram is composed of bins. If the bins do not abut, such as in the case

hs1 10 20 0.5
hs1 30 40 0.25

you have the option of extending the bins outward until they meet their neighbour.

extend_bin = no | yes

fill and outline colors

Histograms can have both a fill and outline. In this example, the bins will be filled a very dark grey. fill_color = vdgrey

All tracks have default formatting settings, defined in etc/tracks/*.conf. For the histogram, the defaults are

# etc/tracks/histogram.conf
color            = black
thickness        = 1
r1               = 0.89r
r0               = 0.8r
orientation      = out

histogram orientation

A histogram can be oriented out or in.

orientation = in | out

managing defaults

To turn off default outline, set the outline thickness to zero.

thickness = 0p

or undefine the parameter

thickness = undef

You can edit the defaults by editing the etc/tracks/histogram.conf file, or permanently disable the use of defaults by commenting out the track_default directory in etc/housekeeping.conf.


Like for links, rules are used to dynamically alter formatting of each data point (i.e. histogram bin). In this tutorial, I include a rule that hides histogram bins on chromosome hs1.

condition = on(hs1)
show      = no

importing rules

Because the rule is reused, I store this rule in a file, exclude.hs1.rule, and the import it

<<include exclude.hs1.rule>>

changing format parameters

Rules can change the visibility, format and value of data points. For example, by setting show=no, as in the rule above, a data point is hidden.

Similarly you can set any format parameter

condition  = on(hs1)
fill_color = blue
color      = vdblue
thickness  = 2p

The rule will overwrite any parameter values from the <plot> block.

rule conditions

The condition in a rule is expected to be Perl code. This expression is automatically evaluated — you do not need eval() here. Examples of conditions are

# applies to every data point - always true

# check whether a data point is on a chromosome
var(chr) eq "hs1"
on(hs1) # shortcut

# check whether a data point is not on a chromosome
var(chr) ne "hs1"

# combine tests with or (||)
on(hs1) || on(hs2)
var(chr) =~ /hs(1|22)$/;

# check position
var(start) > 10Mb

# use the value
var(value) < 0.05

# use any parameter
var(color) eq "red"
var(stroke_color) eq "vdred"

If a rule has multiple conditions, all of them must be satisfied for the rule to trigger.

# data point must be on hs1 and value < 0.05
condition = on(hs1)
condition = var(value) < 0.05

referencing data point parameters in rules

You can reference parameters defined in the data file using var(X). For example, you can define parameters id and mult in the data file

# in data file
hs3 196000000 197999999 71.0000 id=abc,mult=5

and then use them in a rule

condition  = var(id) eq "abc"
fill_color = blue
value      = eval(var(value)*var(mult))

The value parameter refers to the data point's value. Yes, it is possible to change the value using a rule! Here we multiply the value by the data point's mult parameter.

In order for the expression to be evaluated as code, it must be enclosed in eval() (otherwise the value will be set to the string "var(value)*var(mult)").

stacked histograms

The second histogram in the tutorial is a stacked histogram. It shows several values for a given position by stacking bins. This is a special kind of 2D data track which uses the data format

#chr start end value,value,value,... [options]
hs3 196000000 197999999 0.0000,7.0000,64.0000,0.0000
hs3 198000000 199999999 21.0000,6.0000,18.0000,12.0000
hs4 0 1999999 5.0000,3.0000,1.0000,19.0000
hs4 2000000 3999999 1.0000,6.0000,16.0000,17.0000
hs4 4000000 5999999 1.0000,13.0000,25.0000,20.0000

Circos will automatically format the track as a stacked histogram when type=histogram and multiple values in the data file are found.

The fill_color for a stacked histogram is expected to be a list of colors, each corresponding to a given value. For example, for the data line

hs3 198000000 199999999 21.0000,6.0000,18.0000,12.0000

and the fill_color list

fill_color  = hs1,hs2,hs3,hs4

the colors for the bins will be hs1 (21.0000), hs2 (6.0000), hs3 (18.0000), hs4 (12.0000).