Circos > Documentation > Tutorials > Quick Start > Automation And Macros

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2 — Quick Start

9. Automation & Macros

This is an advanced topic.

referencing configuration parameters

Within a configuration file, you can refer to a configuration parameter value using conf().

If the parameter you wish to refer to is in the same block, then use conf(param).

x = 1
y = conf(x)

If the parameter is in a specific block hierarchy elsewhere, list the blocks first.

  x = 1

y = conf(b1,b2,x)

Note that you cannot currently access a block hierarchy that includes multiple blocks with the same n ame.

If the parameter is somewhere up the hierarchy from where it is called, use conf(.,param)

 x = 1
   y = conf(.,x)

automating tracks

Together with track counters, the conf() function can be used to create different tracks from the same configuration file. This is extremely useful when you need to show several tracks using data whose source and/or format can be parametrized.

For example, you can create the four heatmaps in this example from the same block. The heatmap blocks are

type  = heatmap
file  = data/5/segdup.hs1234.heatmap.txt
r1    = 0.89r
r0    = 0.88r
color = hs1_a5,hs1_a4,hs1_a3,hs1_a2,hs1_a1,hs1
scale_log_base = 0.25

<<include rule.exclude.hs1.conf>>

They have the same type, file, scale_log_base parameters and <rules> block. The r0 and r1 parameters change by 0.01 for successive blocks and the color parameter can be parametrized by the index of the chromosome (e.g. hsi for i = 1..4).

Instead of including the block above four times, once for each heatmap, with hard-coded r0, r1 and color values, we can generate these parameter values automatically using block counters, which are internal variables that provide a 0-indexed identifier for each block in the configuration file.

This block below will be parsed the same as the one above. When it is included several times, the value of counter(heatmap) will be incremented each time, allowing for dynamically changing r0, r1 and color parameters.

# heatmap.conf

type           = heatmap
file           = data/5/segdup.hs1234.heatmap.txt

# The 'c' parameter (arbitrarily named) is referenced
# within heatmap.conf as conf(.,c). conf(x) retrieves
# the value of parameter 'x' in the current block and
# conf(.,x) looks up the configuration tree until
# it finds x.

c = eval(sprintf("hs%d",counter(heatmap)+1))

# track_r0(counter,start,width,padding) 
# track_r1(counter,start,width,padding) 
# are helper functions that return the start/end radius of a track
# formatted as float+"r", e.g. 0.925r
# r0 = start + counter * (width + padding) 
# r1 = start + counter * (width + padding) + width
# The calls to conf(.,x) reference the  block's h0, hw and hp
# parameters. The counter(heatmap) is an 0-start automatically incremented
# index, which is incremented by 1 for each type=heatmap plot.
r1    = eval(track_r1(counter(heatmap),conf(.,h0),conf(.,hw),conf(.,hp)))
r0    = eval(track_r0(counter(heatmap),conf(.,h0),conf(.,hw),conf(.,hp)))

# conf(.,c) references the  block's 'c' parameter
color          = conf(.,c)_a5,conf(.,c)_a4,conf(.,c)_a3,conf(.,c)_a2,conf(.,c)_a1,conf(.,c)
scale_log_base = 0.25

<<include rule.exclude.hs1.conf>>
# hides any data point whose 'id' parameter is not
# the same as the  block 'c' parameter
condition = var(id) ne "conf(.,c)"
show      = no

Here's how to include the block multiple times.

<<include heatmap.conf>>

<<include heatmap.conf>>

<<include heatmap.conf>>

<<include heatmap.conf>>

You can include the block directives in the heatmap.conf file so that the main configuration file is even simpler.

# circos.conf
<<include heatmap.conf>>
<<include heatmap.conf>>
<<include heatmap.conf>>
<<include heatmap.conf>>
# heatmap.conf

conf vs var

The conf(x) function retrieves the value of a configuration parameter at the time that the configuration file is compiled. This happens in the initial part of the code before any data is processed.

You can see the effect of the conf(x) function by running

> circos -cdump plots
 c => 'hs2',
 color => 'hs2_a5,hs2_a4,hs2_a3,hs2_a2,hs2_a1,hs2',
 file => 'data/5/segdup.hs1234.heatmap.txt',
 r0 => '0.890000r',
 r1 => '0.900000r',
 rules => {
            rule => [
                        condition => 'on(hs1)',
                        show => 0
                        condition => 'var(id) ne "hs2"',
                        show => 0
 scale_log_base => '0.25',
 type => 'heatmap'

After parsing the configuration file, the value of the c, r0, r1 and color parameters has already been determined. These are now constant for the rest of the time Circos is running.

On the other hand, the var(x) function retrieves the value of the x parameter for a data point and is evaluated dynamically for each data point.

The condition of the second rule has already been parsed and the call to conf(.,c) has returned, for the case of this block, hs2. As each data point is tested, the value of var(id) will be replaced by the point's id parameter and the condition will be tested with this value.