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6 — Links and Relationships

4. Link Rules - Part I

Rules are special blocks within <plot> or <link> blocks which redefine how data (e.g. links) are displayed based on position, value, format or any other property associated with the data.

The general form is

# for 2D plots









# for links









Each <link> block may have an associated <rules> block, which in turn contains one or more <rule> blocks. Each <rule> block contains a test condition and format parameters. When a link passes the test condition, the format parameters of the rule block are applied to the link.

data points are tested independently

Rules are applied to each data point in your data set independently. The data point can be a highlight, histogram bar, scatter point or link. When a rule is being applied to a point, you have access to properties of the data point, but not to other data points. In other words, there is no direct mechanism of adjusting a data point based on its neighbours. You can hack this by associating a coe(prev) and next parameter with a data point and testing for those

hs1 0 9 0.25 next=0.5
hs1 10 19 0.5 prev=0.25,next=0.75
hs1 20 29 0.75 prev=0.5,next=1.00

rule syntax

Each rule must contain a condition parameter which defines the test applied to the data. Each data point is tested.

rule condition

The format of the condition is Perl code and is automatically evaluated (no need for eval()). A few helper functions are available to simplify testing multiple parameters (e.g. between(), see below). You can suffix any numerical value in a condition expression with kb, mb, or gb to indicate a base pair multiplier.

There are certain keywords that are parsed at runtime and substituted with values based on the link that is being tested. For example, individual data point properties are accessible via the var(FIELD) function, where FIELD is one of

  • CHRn chromosome of span n in the link (e.g. var(chr1))
  • STARTn start position of span n in the link (e.g. var(start2))
  • ENDn end position of span n in the link (e.g. var(end2))
  • POSn middle position of span n in the link (e.g. var(position1))
  • SIZEn size of span n in the link (e.g. var(size1))
  • REVn returns 1 if the link end is reversed (e.g. start > end)
  • INV returns 1 if the link is inverted (i.e. one of its ends is reversed). If both ends are reversed, the link is not inverted
  • INTERCHR returns 1 if the link ends are on different chromosomes, otherwise returns 0 (e.g. var(interchr))
  • INTRACHR returns 1 if the link ends are on the same chromosome, otherwise returns 0 (e.g. var(intrachr))

The numerical suffix (e.g. var(start1) vs var(start2)) applies to links only and is used to test the start or end of the link. Data types associated with a single coordinate span do not use the suffix (e.g. var(start)).

Examples of conditions are

condition = var(chr1) eq "hs1"  # link starts on hs1
condition = var(size1) < 1mb    # link start span is shorter than 1Mb
condition = 1                   # always true for any link

rule condition testing

Rules are applied in the following order.

First, any rules that contain the importance parameter are applied, in descending order of importance. Second, any rules that do not contain the importance parameter are applied, in order of appearance. The importance parameter allows you to prioritize rules without having to move their blocks.

When a rule passes (e.g. its condition parameter evalutes to true), it is applied to the data point. At this point, the rule chain may or may not terminate, depending on the flow parameter (see below). By default, the first rule that passes terminates the rule chain (i.e. no further rules are applied to the data point and the next data point is tested).

When a rule fails, the next rule is tested on the data point. This continues until a rule passes or all rules have been tested.

rule cascade

By default, when a rule passes, it terminates the chain.

# if this rule passes

# all subsequent rules are not tested


You can change this behaviour by setting the flow parameter. If flow = continue, then a rule that passes no longer short-circuits the cascade. Subsequent rules are tested and if they pass, can overwrite data point properties.

flow = continue # if this rule passes, continue testing

The flow parameter can take on four different values, with an optional optional if true or if false.

# continue testing
flow = continue { if true|false }
# continue testing, but start at top of rule chain
flow = restart  { if true|false }
# stop testing
flow = stop     { if true|false }
# goto rule associated with tag=TAG
flow = goto TAG { if true|false }

You can have multiple flow parameters for different evantualities.

flow = stop if false
flow = goto otherrule if true

tag = otherrule

A rule may lack a condition if a flow directive exists. You can short-circuit all rules using

flow = stop

Use the goto form to skip to bypass rules you don't want to test.

flow = goto myrule

... rules you don't want to use

tag = myrule

3-rule example

Here's a simple example, where segmental duplication links are displayed and tested with 3 rules.

The first rule turns off the display of intrachromosomal links by setting show=no when var(intrachr) is true.

The second rule colors all links between hs1 and hs2 green and makes them drawn on top of other links, by setting their z parameter higher. Recall that by default z = 0 for all data points. The flow = continue parameter continues testing other rules, even if this rule passes.

The final rule colors links between hs2 and hs3 blue, makes them thicker and increases their z value further.



 file       = data/5/segdup.txt


   condition  = var(intrachr)
   show       = no

   condition  = between(hs1,hs2)
   color      = green
   z          = 10
   flow       = continue

   condition  = between(hs2,hs3)
   color      = blue
   thickness  = 2
   z          = 15


