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Circos has been used and referenced in many scientific publications (9,378 as of January 2024, Google Scholar citations).
I also keep a list of published images.
Circos in Scientific Literature
1Aboukhalil R, Fendler B, Atwal GS 2013 ArXiv e-prints
10Alsallkah B, Aigner W, Miksch S et al. 2012 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE VAST 2012) 18:
24Bello JP, Grosche P, Muller M et al. 2011 ACM Computers in Entertainment 1:
27Bhavani SK, Drake J, Bellela G et al.. 2013. How Complimentary Bipartite Visual Analytical Representations Reveal Patterns in Cytokine Expression: A Case Study in Rickettsioses. In AMIA Proceedings.
34Borkin MA, Yeh CS, Boyd M et al.. 2013. Evaluation of Filesystem Provenance Visualization Tools. In IEEE Information Visualization 2013, Atlanta, GA.
68Claessen JHT. 2011. Visualization of Multivariate Data. In Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol Masters. Eidhoven University of Technology, Eidhoven.
75Cooke T, Horberry T, Burgess-Limerick R. 2012. Revisiting injury narratives to pinpoint human factor issues associated with surface mobile mining equipment. In Occupational Safety in Transport Conference 2012, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.
88Demiralp C, Hayden E, Hammerbacher J et al.. 2013. invis: Exploring High-Dimensional RNA Sequences from In Vitro Selection. In IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, Atlanta, GA.
147Gutierrez-Gonzalez JJ, Garvin DF 2011 The Plant Genome 4:
232Lee J, Kim D, Park J et al.. 2013. Flow circle: circular visualization of wiki revision history. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters, pp. 1-1. ACM, Anaheim, California.
241Lex A, Schulz H-J, Streit M et al. 2011 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics in press:
255Liu X, Cheung D, Ting H-F et al.. 2013. LCR_Finder: A de novo low copy repeat finder for human genome. In 9th International Symposium, ISBRA 2013, (ed. Z Cai, O Eulenstein, D Janies, D Schwartz), Charlotte, NC.
270Makanju T, Zincir-Heywood N, Milios E. 2012. Interactive Learning of Alert Signatures in High Performance Cluster System Logs. In 13th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Maui, Hawaii, USA.
285McGuffin MJ 2012 Tsinghua Science and Technology 17:
332Park R, Gehlenborg N, Park P. 2011. Seqeyes: A multi-scale interactive visualization tool for structural variations. In 1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, Providence, RI.
354Rafelsberger W, Schari A. 2009. Games with a purpose for social networking platforms. In Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Vol 1, pp. 193-198. ACM, Torino, Italy.
357Rangkuti FGA. 2011. Genome Assembly and Computational Analysis Pipelines for Bacterial Pathogens. Vol M.Sc. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal.
362Rebich-Hespanha S, Rice RE, Montello DR et al.. 2013. Political Framing of Climate Change in US News Imagery. In Environmental Politics Conference, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA.
375Ruddle RA, Fateen W, Treanor D et al.. 2013. Leveraging Wall-sized High-Resolution Displays for Comparative Genomics Analyses of Copy Number Variation. In IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, Atlanta, GA.
438Tomljenovic-Berube AM. 2013. SsrB-dependent regulation during Salmonella pathogenesis. Vol PhD. McMaster University.
474Westphal-Fitch G, Oh J, Fitch WT 2013 Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 7:
485Wu K, Chen J, Pruett WA et al.. 2013. HumMod Browser: An Exploratory Visualization Tool for the Analysis of Whole-Body Physiology Simulation Data. In IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, Atlanta, GA.
511Zavou A, Pappas V, Kemerlis V et al.. 2013. Cloudopsy: an Autopsy of Data Flows in the Cloud. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NV.